3 peas in a pod

Friday, December 19, 2008
Winter fun
Today we are having a snow day. It makes me sad that the triplets didn't get their Christmas party at preschool. They don't seem to mind, seeing as how all they wanted to do this morning is play in the snow. It is the first time they have been able to play outside this winter. It has been too cold. If you couldn't have guessed... getting triplets ready to play in the snow takes for ever. Thankfully they were being really patient. It also helps to have a husband who owns his own business, a busines that is really slow right now. Brian didn't go into work until 11am. After they played in the snow, they drank cold chocolate. Cold chocolate is their version of hot chocolate, it's just chocolate milk in a coffee cup. It's funny what they think of. They had a blast seeing Santa. It took them a minute to warm up to him, but once the presents came out it was game over. We are counting down to Christmas with out Advent calendars. That has been a God send. It has diverted many days of "is it Christmas today?" Only 6 more days until Christmas...YEAH!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Cookie Baker
Tonight we have a cookie exchange and santa visit for my work. I decided to bake some cookies to take to the exchange. Alison is my helper, and in true form she was right by my side "helping". I attempted to make brownie cookies, which didn't turn out so well. I used the remainder of the batter to make regular brownies. Alison helped by cleaning the bowl when I was done with it. I am pretty sure she got more on her face than in her tummy. I can't wait to see the kids with santa tonight.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Halloween is my favorite holiday, next to Christmas. October has been filled with fun activities such as going to the pumpkin patch with the preschool class, boo @ the zoo & trunk or treating at church. We went to the pumpking patch and had a great time picking out pumpkins. Of course, we had to pick out the biggest pumpkins we could find. Like carrying 3 pumpkins by myself wasn't bad enough, I had to carry 3 heavy ones. Alison LOVED the haunted houses. She probably does better in them than I do.
The kids had a halloween party at preschool. They got to wear costumes and bring home a ton of candy. This year we are street lights. When I had the idea the kids were totally into it. That, of course, changed when the costumes hit the stores. It took alot of convincing to get them to wear the street lights. After the prek party they are said.... "I thought I wanted to be a ..princess, batman, scooby doo, etc." Next year I'm pretty sure they won't go with the triplet theme.
We have taken them trick or treating twice so far. They really don't need to go out on halloween, they have so much candy already. The costumes are way to cute to only wear 1 day.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bad blogger
I am a really bad blogger. I thought I might update the sight with a brief synopsis of our latest activities. I hope to add pictures later.
Alison was diagnosed with walking pneumonia 2 weeks ago. She had a cough that came from the depths of her lungs. Poor kid. She never missed a beat though. Then 36 hours later she fell out of bed (no not a bunk bed) while sleeping and I had to take her to the ER. Xray revealed my worst fear... a broken collar bone. She is in a sling for at least 3 weeks. We started her on Tylenol with Codeine. You would think that she would have been laying around with having pneumonia and on narcotics. But oh no.... I don't think anything slows her down. We have had the summer cold make it's way through everyone the past couple weeks. I am ready for everyone to be healthy. During the mist of Alison, we found a lump on our dog, Margarita. She had to have surgery to remove it. Thankfully it was not cancer. Brian and I had many conversations about what all we would for the dog. The kids love her and she loves them. We have to do about anything to save her.
The triplets have also gone back to preschool. They go Mon/Wed/Friday mornings. I am in love with my quiet mornings. Target is my new best friend. They seem to be learning so much already. I hope to do a better job of blogging. Pictures will be coming soon.
Alison was diagnosed with walking pneumonia 2 weeks ago. She had a cough that came from the depths of her lungs. Poor kid. She never missed a beat though. Then 36 hours later she fell out of bed (no not a bunk bed) while sleeping and I had to take her to the ER. Xray revealed my worst fear... a broken collar bone. She is in a sling for at least 3 weeks. We started her on Tylenol with Codeine. You would think that she would have been laying around with having pneumonia and on narcotics. But oh no.... I don't think anything slows her down. We have had the summer cold make it's way through everyone the past couple weeks. I am ready for everyone to be healthy. During the mist of Alison, we found a lump on our dog, Margarita. She had to have surgery to remove it. Thankfully it was not cancer. Brian and I had many conversations about what all we would for the dog. The kids love her and she loves them. We have to do about anything to save her.
The triplets have also gone back to preschool. They go Mon/Wed/Friday mornings. I am in love with my quiet mornings. Target is my new best friend. They seem to be learning so much already. I hope to do a better job of blogging. Pictures will be coming soon.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Colorado trip #1
The triplets and I travelled to Colorado with my parents in July for my cousin Rachels wedding. The kids actually travelled really well. I think I only threatened to pull over 1 time. We stayed with friends our first night there. I used to babysit the girls when they were little. Hard to believe that they are teenagers now. I am getting old. We had a blast at the wedding. Ivy has been looking forward to it all summer long. She took in every moment of the wedding ceremony. She is probably all ready planning her wedding. Scary!!! We then travelled to Vail for cousin Maddox's baptism. The pictures are of Mindy's brother Micheal and I. We are Maddox's Godparents. I am now a Nina. He is such a cute baby. We then travelled to Estes Park for the Garrison reunion. The triplets enjoyed hiking and swimming. Joey was such a big boy and slept on the top bunk in our room. After the reunion we went back to Vail to spend time with my brother, Matt and his family. We ended up putting 1700 miles on the minivan. That equates to lots of time in the vehicle with 3 four year olds. It was a great trip. The kids are getting so much easier to travel with. If you have noticed, Brian was missing from the trip. He recently quit his job to start a business. It is called Midwest Tent & Event. He rents & sets up tents, tables & chair. The summer is his busy time. And he has been extremely busy. We miss him terrible. His hard work will pay off, I know it.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Joey loses a tooth
Today was a huge day in the Dorn household. Let me start from the beginning. In May Joey fell on the steps going to the basement and hit his mouth. A bottom tooth was loose. We took him to see the dentist. She said to keep watching the tooth, hoping it would re-harden and stay until his baby teeth fall out. It started hurting again yesterday. I noticed it was loose again. We went to the dentist today, she said it's time to pull it. The girls and I waited in the lobby while he was a big boy getting his tooth pulled. He never cried or screamed. The dentist said he did better than most adults. I am so proud of him. We put his tooth in his first tooth box and placed on the dresser. He's not sure about the toothfairy being at his bed while he sleeps.
Here's a funny..... the triplets learned about losing teeth from watching a video of cousin Grace losing her first. They associate a loose tooth with missing teeth. When we are out in public and they see someone with missing teeth they say, loudly, look she/he has a loose tooth. It is so embarrassing. God love the childs mind and mouth.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
4th of July
Happy 4th of July!!!
The triplets had fun getting dressed for the day. We love special clothes for special days. Ivy especially. She loves to wear dresses. She's my girlie girl. We bought fireworks from one of Brians tents. If you don't know, Brian quit his job at United Rentals and started his own business. He rents tents, tables, chairs & party stuff. His busy time of year is 4th of July. We took the fireworks to my great aunt & uncle's house. We had supper there with my mom's family and shot fireworks in their culd-a-sac. We love the 4th. Brian's kid side comes out on the
4th. The night ended too quickly. Here's to next year.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
We traveled to Ogalala with mom & dad, Shannon, Grace & Ella. There we met up with Matt, Mindy & Maddox. We had so much fun playing with all the kids. Hard to believe we are all parents now. Even harder to believe that my little bro is a dad. What a great dad he is. We attempted to swim at Lake McConaughy, but the wind and sand got the better of us. So we swam at the pool at the hotel. Brian & Matt C. got left behind to work. We also suprised Grace with a Hannah Montanna birthday party. She will be 6 on July 14th. The kids really enjoyed the pink frosting. It has been a year since we have all been together. I hope it's not another year for our next gathering. Just imagine how different the kids will be.
50 yard dash
The triplets final day at track was running the 50 yard dash. The event started with the kids doing a celebration lap. At the end of the lap they recieved medals. They then ran the 50 yard dash. I had the triplets run together. They did pretty good. Joey saw NaNa at the finish line and really ran fast. I was excited that Ali ran the whole way. She has a tendacy to walk when she feels like it. We are glad to have track done. Amazing how 1 night a week really ties up time.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tennis Ball Throw
Welcome to my blog. I thought I might join the world of blogging to help keep everyone updated on the triplets. I hope you enjoy!!
The triplets have been participating in a running group this summer. We go every Tuesday night and they run around the track and do field events. Last night was throwing a tennis ball for ribbons. They recieved ribbons based on distance of the throw. Joey threw his 17.6 ft, and recieved 2nd place for his group. Ivy threw hers 8.3 ft, and recieved 2nd place for her group. Alison threw hers 16.9 ft, and recieved 1st place. We were so proud of them. Next Tuesday is running for medals. Should be fun.
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