Halloween is truelly my favorite holiday, especially now that I have children. Of course, the triplets wanted to be princesses & a superhero this year. We have always done a multiples theme for our costumes..... 3 peas in a pod, litter of pups, the 3 little pigs, nascar drivers & my favorite street lights. I really wanted to do 1 more year as multiples. I just needed a great idea to get the kids on board. After days of deep thought, I finally came up with the Shrek triplets. The kids were very excited about this idea. I am very proud of their costumes. If only I put this much effort into housework... I would have a sparkling house! We went to the Omaha zoo for their Boo at the Zoo. The kids had a great time. We were quite the talk of the zoo. We even got stopped by some foreign tourists and asked to take pictures with them. Too funny! Everyone had a blast and we saw some great animals. The kids have fall break from school this week so we are taking them to Kansas City to the Great Wolf Lodge, an indoor water park/hotel. Then.... halloween. YAY!!!
3 sweet peas
3 peas in a pod

Monday, October 26, 2009
Boo at the Zoo
Halloween is truelly my favorite holiday, especially now that I have children. Of course, the triplets wanted to be princesses & a superhero this year. We have always done a multiples theme for our costumes..... 3 peas in a pod, litter of pups, the 3 little pigs, nascar drivers & my favorite street lights. I really wanted to do 1 more year as multiples. I just needed a great idea to get the kids on board. After days of deep thought, I finally came up with the Shrek triplets. The kids were very excited about this idea. I am very proud of their costumes. If only I put this much effort into housework... I would have a sparkling house! We went to the Omaha zoo for their Boo at the Zoo. The kids had a great time. We were quite the talk of the zoo. We even got stopped by some foreign tourists and asked to take pictures with them. Too funny! Everyone had a blast and we saw some great animals. The kids have fall break from school this week so we are taking them to Kansas City to the Great Wolf Lodge, an indoor water park/hotel. Then.... halloween. YAY!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
School Daze
I wanted to update everyone on the first weeks of school.
JOSEPH.... the boy who started school with the most tears is now fearless in the mornings. We walk into the gym, wait for the teachers to come & get them, me standing at the back of the gym waiting.... waiting for him to point to the exit door and wave me goodbye. Most mornings he even forgets to give me my exit. He just walks away with his friends without any worries. He takes his lunch everyday, a peanutbutter sandwich everyday. He won't eat the school lunch because it comes with fruits & vegetables. Alison has told him he doesn't have to eat it, but that is not good enough. He is my picky eater, atleast he is finally eating peanutbutter.
ALISON.... started kindergarten already reading at a first grade level. We informed her teacher of this prior to school starting. 3 weeks into school I asked her if she was reading in class. She said "no, my teacher says to have my mom & dad read to me at home." I was starting to get frustrated with her lack of progress. Then one weekend while I was at work she started making books. Her stories were filled with complete sentences. I asked her if daddy helped her write the stories. She responded with an emphatic NO! Thus began the communication with her teacher. We have since realized that she has been holding back in class. I met with her teacher today and she had great things to say about her progress. She is progressing like a first grader, not a kindergartener. What a stinker! Atleast her teacher and I are on the same page now.
IVY.... oh Ivy. She has always been my shy, sensitive girl... until those first days of school. She grew up so much in that first week. Then the fire drill happened. According to her teacher, Ivy was pushing her out the door. She cried and was terrified. Then the accidents started. I was noticing that she was having wet pants several days of the week. It took several conversations with Ivy to finally figure out that she wasn't going to the bathroom at school. Several more conversations to figure out that there is a fire alarm in the bathroom and she is terrified that it will go off while she is in there.. by herself. I feel so terrible for her, as did her teacher when I told her of the problem. The day I talked to her teacher she went to the bathroom, with her teacher waiting outside. After school she was so proud to tell me that she had done that. And with the biggest smile said "my teacher wasn't even mad when I asked her if I could go to the bathroom." Yep, still shy & sensitive.
Today I recieved my first call from the school nurse. Ivy was in the nurses office with an earache. I was caught off guard and couldn't think of what to do. Sometimes the nursing brain just doesn't kick in fast enough. After a few seconds of thought... if felt like minutes... I decided to take her to the Dr's office. Especially since she just finished a course of antibiotics for a long lasting cough. I get to the nurses office and find her laying on the bed looking pathetic, all I wanted to do was hold her & cry. I stayed strong and off we went to the pediatricins. Walking to the van she asked if she could go to Runza & play in the playground. Silly girl. I am glad we went to the Dr's because she has ear infections in both ears. The appt. ends with stickers & suckers and Ivy wanting to go back to school. What a trooper. I hope all our nurse calls go that smoothly.
JOSEPH.... the boy who started school with the most tears is now fearless in the mornings. We walk into the gym, wait for the teachers to come & get them, me standing at the back of the gym waiting.... waiting for him to point to the exit door and wave me goodbye. Most mornings he even forgets to give me my exit. He just walks away with his friends without any worries. He takes his lunch everyday, a peanutbutter sandwich everyday. He won't eat the school lunch because it comes with fruits & vegetables. Alison has told him he doesn't have to eat it, but that is not good enough. He is my picky eater, atleast he is finally eating peanutbutter.
ALISON.... started kindergarten already reading at a first grade level. We informed her teacher of this prior to school starting. 3 weeks into school I asked her if she was reading in class. She said "no, my teacher says to have my mom & dad read to me at home." I was starting to get frustrated with her lack of progress. Then one weekend while I was at work she started making books. Her stories were filled with complete sentences. I asked her if daddy helped her write the stories. She responded with an emphatic NO! Thus began the communication with her teacher. We have since realized that she has been holding back in class. I met with her teacher today and she had great things to say about her progress. She is progressing like a first grader, not a kindergartener. What a stinker! Atleast her teacher and I are on the same page now.
IVY.... oh Ivy. She has always been my shy, sensitive girl... until those first days of school. She grew up so much in that first week. Then the fire drill happened. According to her teacher, Ivy was pushing her out the door. She cried and was terrified. Then the accidents started. I was noticing that she was having wet pants several days of the week. It took several conversations with Ivy to finally figure out that she wasn't going to the bathroom at school. Several more conversations to figure out that there is a fire alarm in the bathroom and she is terrified that it will go off while she is in there.. by herself. I feel so terrible for her, as did her teacher when I told her of the problem. The day I talked to her teacher she went to the bathroom, with her teacher waiting outside. After school she was so proud to tell me that she had done that. And with the biggest smile said "my teacher wasn't even mad when I asked her if I could go to the bathroom." Yep, still shy & sensitive.
Today I recieved my first call from the school nurse. Ivy was in the nurses office with an earache. I was caught off guard and couldn't think of what to do. Sometimes the nursing brain just doesn't kick in fast enough. After a few seconds of thought... if felt like minutes... I decided to take her to the Dr's office. Especially since she just finished a course of antibiotics for a long lasting cough. I get to the nurses office and find her laying on the bed looking pathetic, all I wanted to do was hold her & cry. I stayed strong and off we went to the pediatricins. Walking to the van she asked if she could go to Runza & play in the playground. Silly girl. I am glad we went to the Dr's because she has ear infections in both ears. The appt. ends with stickers & suckers and Ivy wanting to go back to school. What a trooper. I hope all our nurse calls go that smoothly.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
My babies are now big kindergarteners. I had alot of tears leading up to the big day. As much as I struggled with them during day, I was really sad to know that they were leaving me. My babies are growning up. The elementary school they are going to has 180 kindergarteners and 8 kindergarten classes. Because there are so many classes, the school has all the kindergarteners start in the gym, lined up by class. The kids wait there for their teachers to come get them. I go each morning with them to the gym and wait for them to leave for their class. I love taking them and getting from school everyday. You are probably wondering what I do with all my freetime now. I am getting my house in order, cleaning and errand running... all without kids. I do have to admit that I have been looking forward to doing all these things without kids. SuperTarget has become my best friend. I enjoy doing my shopping there and then just wondering..... I am getting good at not buying things. I am also starting to update my blog... as you may have noticed I am behind at this.
Ivy the kindergartener
Ivy has suprised me the most with her response to school. She has always been my shy & sensitive child, so when considering splitting them for school she was the one I worried about. When we told them they would be split up she cried and said they needed to stay together. Always together has been her motto. I did alot of worrying for nothing. She has done the best! The first day of school she sat across from Alison in the gym waiting for their teachers to come get them. Alison kept trying to get her attention and Ivy's response was priceless. With a small turn of her head she said "Alison, shhhh, leave me alone!" And that has been that. My sensitive girl is all grown up. She is also the one to have clothes drama already. She will be fun during those teen years! Fun on Brians wallet that is.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Alison the kindergartener
Alison was so excited to start school. I always thought she would adjust the best to starting school and being in her own classroom. She proved me wrong. Don't get me wrong, she did great but she would try and pull the scared card, just like her brother, and I would tell her I didn't believe her and to get back into line. What a turkey. This summer I emailed the principle about each of the kids to help with teacher placement. I was especially concered about Alison because she was already reading and I didn't want her to lose that. She got paired up with a 1st grade teacher that has been brought down to teach kindergarten this year. Her teacher is excited to work with her on her reading and I have high hopes for Alison this year.
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