3 peas in a pod

3 peas in a pod

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Alison's surgery

Alison had surgery to take her Adenoids taken out in July. She snores something terrible. We figured it would be best to take care of that before school started. She was such a trooper. The nurses gave her special rewards for having her blood drawn like a big girl. She stayed busy making a necklace with beads, putting a trash can together & playing with warm air hose. Brian & I stayed in her room while she went to surgery. The surgery only lasted 20 mins. The Dr. said she did great and should be snore free. She was very sleepy when she got back to the room and just wanted to go home..... she cried to go home all while she was sleeping. I loved snuggling with her while she rested. She was released 2 hours after surgery and wanted to go straight to Target to pick out a reward. That is Alison... nothing slows her down. She did great, she no longer is snoring and can actually breathe at night when she has a cold.

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